Guardians of the Grove/Temple of Diana, Inc. presents

Our Sacred Blood:
From Healing to Celebration of Women's Mysteries
A 5-session class with Ruth Barrett

Five Consecutive Saturdays,
March 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12, 2025
from 12noon- 2pm Eastern (9-11am Pacific)
This 5- session class series introduces participants to Woman’s Blood Mysteries (your birth, menarche, birth/lactation, menopause, and death) from the perspective of Dianic Feminist Witchcraft. The wondrous transformations of our female bodies and psyches are ignored and devalued by patriarchal culture. We will discuss and create a personal ritual approach for healing, reclaiming, and creating female-centered rituals and practices that can bring greater meaning to our lives. The intention of this course is to support personal healing, reclaiming female embodiment, and to pass on knowledge and experience of a female-centered spiritual tradition that empowers each student to claim and honor their rightful and natural birthright as women.
This class is limited to 10 women (adult human female) on a first-come basis. Ruth’s book, Women’s Rites, Women’s Mysteries: Intuitive Ritual Creation, is highly recommended. Pre-requisite: There are no prerequisites required although previous experience in women’s ritual making will deepen your experience. Bring your need and interest in healing and honoring your female sex-based rites of passage.
The cost for the 5-session series is $140-$165 (sliding, based on ability to pay). Because the class size is limited to ten students, please email Ruth before registering so she can confirm your space. Once your space is confirmed, please register. Registration closes March 5th, or until class is filled. You can register via PayPal using guardiansofthegrove3x3@gmail.com or through by clicking on this PayPal button: