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Spiral Door Women's Mystery School of 

Magic and Ritual Arts

Not Available at this Time.

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When women share a cosmology, common skills, language, and consistent magical practice, they are able to create ecstatic, transformative ritual that is infinitely powerful. This program is specifically designed to train women in the Wiccan tradition of Dianic Feminist Witchcraft and to prepare women interested in becoming clergy.


Dianic women, and Dianic Priestesses who are seeking deeper knowledge, inspiration, and the unique skill sets offered by this program, are especially encouraged to participate. The Spiral Door curriculum includes advanced magical practices, shamanic skills, the crafting and use of magical tools, in-depth ritual creation and facilitation instruction, and other related topics within the context of a matrifocal partnership model of women sharing power.

The Program

Learning Spirals comprise the yearly curriculum of our Mystery School. All the topics we cover are not necessarily included in this description. All students will receive the same educational foundation, magical and ritual skill sets. Each learning Spiral is taught in a multi-sensory experiential environment. A foundational piece of the program is teaching students how to identify, understand, and use their personal perceptual learning pattern. Having this personal information about the workings of one's own mind allows for the conscious ability to change from one state of consciousness to another.


Throughout the program this information is expanded upon to enable students to work more effectively and deeper with others of different learning patterns in magick, ritual, and daily life. A woman does not need to be on the priestess path to embark on this training. Well into the program, women have the opportunity, if they wish, to choose a specialization defined by their own interests and calling. Through the foundation of skills taught, it is our intention that each woman be fully empowered to answer Her call.

You are invited to apply if you are:


 * A woman who has completed the prerequisite class Feminist Witchcraft in the Dianic Tradition or equivalent by a Temple of Diana approved teacher. 


 * A woman who wishes to learn how to work in magical partnership with other women, provide tangible energetic support, and acquire magical skills for use in daily life and within the ritual circle.


 *  A woman seeking to deepen her experience of Dianic Tradition and spiritual  service.


 *  A woman interested in or already on the priestess path.


 *  A woman who is already Dianic Wiccan Clergy (Priestess) who seeks continuing education and the skill sets we provide.


Philosophy of the Faculty 


It is our goal to provide our students with a solid foundation in the theology of Dianic Feminist Wiccan Tradition, magical and ritual practices from which to provide spiritual service. Through cognitive and experiential learning, students will stretch and hone their natural abilities. We do not believe in a "just add water" approach to learning or that energetic skills can be taught through a book or over the internet. Witchcraft, like any other craft, requires disciplined practice in order to become adept. Participants will learn, develop, and practice demonstrable magic and psychic skills to use in our daily lives and/or in our roles as Priestesses to the Goddess and Her women. To be entrusted as keepers of Her traditions, we must learn to effectively and responsibly facilitate Her rites. Our intention is that our students eventually become effective practitioners and teachers so that Dianic Feminist Wiccan Tradition is perpetuated, and able to evolve and be passed on to future generations of women.

What specifically are the skill sets taught?  


  • Specific topics and skill sets included are:

  • Foundation of Dianic Tradition: cosmology, daily practice, her-story of Dianic feminist witchcraft

  • The Practice of Magic, Ritual, and Spellcraft

  • Ethics of Magic

  • Perceptual Learning Patterns: Introduction and its application for magickal practice

  • Energetics of Magic and Ritual within a Partnership Model

  • Diversity Training and Conflict Transformation

  • Women's Rites: Creating Personal and Group Ritual

  • Women's Blood Mysteries and the Wheel of the Year

  • Voice and Movement Magic

  • Elemental Magic and Spellcraft

  • Telepathy across Time and Distance

  • Shapeshifting

  • Interspecies Communication

  • Creation and Use of Magical Tools

  • Energetic Support: in the community and through  ritual guardianship

  • Spiritual Service and the Priestess Path

  • Creation and Facilitation: skills for private and public ritual

  • Leadership Development in Community

  • Introduction to the Norse Runes


What Our Spiral Door Graduates Have To Say


"I would recommend the Spiral Door program for anyone who wants to deepen her relationship with her authentic self, the elements and the Goddess within. The tools we gathered on this journey will be an asset to me for the rest of my life. I will forever cherish the memories of my experience with the teachers, the students and the material we covered in class. To say it was life-changing is an understatement as the Spiral Door is a pathway to transforming oneself from a mundane awareness to a wide-open understanding of the potential of magick in all aspects of one's life." 

- K.R.

"All my years of schooling and education have done little compared to what I have learned in this program. I am able to connect with clients like never before, on all levels. This program has completed me. It has enriched my mind, my heart, and my soul. It has connected me with amazing women in class, and with amazing women from generations past. I transformed that I ignored being a woman to honoring that I am a woman. Thank you Ruth and Falcon for the gift of Spiral Door."

- Sheri

“Prior to finding Spiral Door I had spent 15 years studying everything I could get my hands on related to health, the body and spirituality that resulted in an epic resume and incredible amounts of personal growth. I am currently in my 3rd year of the program and this is not just a class. This isn't just a incredible 4 year long training with AMAZING teachers that are life-long learners themselves. THIS is how to truly heal, to truly become your authentic self, to truly connect with Mother Earth working towards Her healing. This may be the first time you felt truly loved, accepted and supported for who you are. This may be the first time you created with your own hands magical tools or shot an arrow. These are not just nest things that you! This is a rebirthing on a cellular level with all of your ancestors behind you, all of the women cheering you on. This is a reconnection to your primal, FEMALE power. Yes, that's right, I said it. FEMALE!! Because we bleed and don't die, we create and birth new life, we feed and nurture our families. Nectar of the goddess flows from our breasts, it feeds and it heals. We are powerful and magical women. We are wild and free. This will be your path to healing.”

- Willow

"The breadth of personal expansion through my Spiral Door experience, in a circle of true sisterhood, has been vast. The loving space allowed an unfolding to a deeper appreciation of myself as a woman, to a greater awareness of the truth of who I am, and to a more authentic way of being. The opportunity to be facilitated to pathways of connecting intimately with myself and nature provided potent healing for my precious soul. I feel a centered embodiment of my own power as I have never felt prior, and my transformation leaves me inspired to be in the world in a new way, with sharpened tools, and developed skills, and profound appreciation. With love and gratitude, Ruth and Falcon, from the depth of my womb and heart..." 

- Aimee

"I began this program to learn about magic, energetics, and the Priestess path. I'm finishing this course with a deeper understanding and connection to myself, the natural, magical world around me and the women that I was fortunate to share this sacred space with."
– Tracie
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