Living in Right Relationship with Otherworld Beings
with Falcon River
Sunday, May 10th, 2025
from 4-6pm Eastern (1-3pm Pacific)

TO REGISTER: The cost of the class is $30-$45 (sliding, based on ability to pay), and limited to 30 women on a first-come basis. Go ahead and register, your registration will be acknowledged, and the class will close registration when we reach the max. No prerequisite required. Deadline to register is May 1st , or when class is filled. We cannot provide refunds after the deadline or once the class is filled. Use the PayPal button below or register at PayPal to guardiansofthegrove3x3@gmail.com
Every culture around the world, and throughout time, has Otherworld Beings who live with humans, who live around us, who attend to us, and who can help us and guide us with our work. These Beings are not, Disney “cute”, but understood to be powerful sentient Beings living with us, and with whom it is important to be in good relations. This class will help students learn who their allies are, how to honor them, and how to begin fostering a deeper relationship with them.