A 6-session class series with Falcon River and Ruth Barrett
According to British occultist Dion Fortune (1890 – 1946), “Magick is the art of changing consciousness at will.”
How do you do this?
In this class series you will learn to identify and work with your own natural intelligence to take yourself from one state of consciousness to another at will. Learning how to travel the pathways of your own mind and how to move with intention from one state of consciousness to another will deepen, enrich, and empower your spiritual, ritual, magickal practice, and your day to day life. Practicing these skills will deepen your powers of communication, across distance and time.
For twenty years, this material was the very foundation of the curriculum from which we taught magick and ritual for our mystery school, The Spiral Door.
Temple of Diana, Inc/Guardians of the Grove Presents
TO REGISTER: The cost of the 6-session class series is $160 - $190 (sliding, based on ability to pay.) Space is limited to 10 students, on a first-come basis, and who have met the prerequisite classes. Registration deadline is October 23rd, or until class is full. Refunds cannot be given after the deadline. Due to the nature of this material, it is imperative that students attend the sessions. While emergencies can happen that cause a student to miss a session, the first two sessions are foundational and must be attended.
Pre-requisites classes are required (at a minimum) including:
Feminist Witchcraft in the Dianic Tradition (6-week series)
Spellcraft 1: Spellcraft in the Dianic Tradition (or with consent of instructors)
Tools for Personal Ritual Making (highly suggested, but not required)
We require these pre-requisite classes in order to give students a foundation from which to build on. Acceptance into this class will be prioritized on personal experience working with each prospective student. Please contact us by emailing us at info@guardiansofthegrove.org if you are interested in being considered.
If you have been accepted into this class, please use the Paypal button to pay for your registration:
Suggested texts: Open Mind: Discovering the Six Patterns of Natural Intelligence and How Your Child Is Smart by Dawna Markova, PhD.
Falcon has been working with this material since 1983, and worked intensively with Dr. Markova for 5 years. She teaches this information from a Dianic feminist Wiccan perspective and its application for spellcraft and ritual-making.

Six Consecutive Sundays,
November 3, 10, 17, 24, December 1, 8
from 12noon – 2pm Eastern (9-11am Pacific)