Application FAQs
Practical Details
Location: Currently there are plans of opening new programs in Los Angeles, CA once there are enough students that have met the pre-requisite course, applied, and are accepted into the program. We hope that eventually we will also have a program near Lansing, MI.
Past program locations have been in Wisconsin, Michigan, Texas, and California.
There are four learning Spirals to complete for graduation. A Spiral year is comprised of six 2-day weekend intensive sessions, with sessions held through the Fall and Spring with Winter and Summer breaks before resuming the next Spiral year. Sessions run from Structure: 9 am to 5 pm on Saturdays, and 9 am to 4 pm on Sundays. The group is comprised of 16 (minimum) to 24 women, on a first-come basis. Participants are asked to make a one-year commitment before entering each program Spiral.
Fees: Tuition is $700 for each learning Spiral, plus a $150 deposit that pays for teaching site expenses, any travel expenses, handouts, and any guest teacher travel costs. Flexible tuition payment schedules can be arranged in advance with payments of $117 per weekend session.
These fees may change and will be posted when a new program is open for students to apply.
Application Process
The Spiral Door program is for women interested in deepening their personal spiritual practice for daily life, for women interested in the Priestess path, and for women already ordained.
While we make every effort to be inclusive and accommodating, some of the activities in the Spiral Door program may not be suitable for women with certain physical or mental disabilities. Please be prepared to openly discuss your healthy ability to participate or not at your interview. Failure to disclose important health factors during the admission process may be grounds for dismissal from the program.
Women applying to the program must complete, at a minimum the class series, Feminist Witchcraft in the Dianic Tradition. After completion of this course, please request an application for the program. Acceptance into the program is based on:
Your written application.
Verbal or written recommendation from the teacher(s) from whom you took Feminist Witchcraft in the Dianic Tradition (or approved equivalent) class series.
An interview with the teaching staff, resulting in a mutual agreement between you (the student), and consensus by the core faculty to enter into a student/teacher relationship.
You will be notified about your acceptance into the program. If accepted, you will be sent a contract for Spiral One, the first learning Spiral. Your contract returned with a $150 non-refundable deposit completes the admission process.
What is a Priestess?
A Priestess is a woman who chooses to pursue a path of spiritual service in sacred devotion to the Goddess and Her women. All Dianic Priestesses, no matter what their chosen ministry may be, will benefit from this training. In the Dianic religion, personal and group rituals are our worship services. It is within group ritual circles that women have an opportunity to experience a sense of community, sisterhood, and the facilitated presence of the Goddess. Any skill that applies to ritual magic has a direct correlation to all aspects of the priestess path, from the most mundane to the esoteric.
Some Priestesses find that their primary calling is to create and facilitate group rituals at public services. Another Priestess may be called to midwifery of the newly born. Others minister to the dying, care for the dead and escort the soul to the Summerland. Some officiate marriages and union ceremonies, while others facilitate lunar and seasonal rituals, and assist women in creating their own unique rites of passage. Still, others serve through the healing arts and counseling. Some are called to the arts of astrology, divination, music, or dance. Some Priestess are writers, some are Goddess scholars, many are visual artists. There are Priestesses who prefer to work with animals, plants, and nature. Some are skilled in ecological preservation and restoration, others are called to facilitating interspecies communication. Others are skilled craftswomen passing on the wisdom of the Crafts of the Craft. There are no limits to the possibilities of paths of service to Goddess and her children.
Are all graduates ordained?
No. Graduates of the Spiral Door program seeking ordination are not guaranteed ordination as a culmination of their studies. A woman seeking ordination may discuss her intention with her teachers after the third year of the program, or as she begins to develop and serve in her chosen focus or specialty. Ordination is granted by consensus of her teachers and mentors that she is able and ready to serve as an ordained Dianic Priestess of Temple of Diana, within her local spiritual community or where ever her work calls her in the world. The majority of students in the program have no intention of seeking ordination.